
He's a geek! He's a boy! He's a champ??

Saturday, May 29, 2004

So she introduces herself by saying "well, if it isn't my favorite canadian tire guy!" Now on a slow day i probubly help 50 people, so remembering them all for me is pretty much impossible. However, i can give a very convincing "hey! nice to see ya!" without batting an eye.

Now she does this in the middle of epworth's set. She says how she knew him at mount A and stuff. It's usually hard for me to talk while a band is on because 1) the band is loud and 2) a part of my brain is constantly listening to the band play. But she's cute, so i enguage in some small talk, say how me and him are neighbors. We talk a little about music and everything's going great.

Then Jen flashed her boobs at me.*

Now being a heterosexual male, i tend to stare just a tiiiiny bit when this happens. But then i turn back to her.

And, of course, she's gone.
I sigh, and go back to watching the band.
Really, what are you gonna do?

Oh, and i'd also like to apoligize to The Reels for yelling "yea Jet!" throughout their set. To be fair, they don't sound that much like Jet at all.
For the record, i don't like Jet.

*She was flashing her boobs throughout the nite, so it wasn't so much an "i'm gonna flash alf" thing as much as an "i'm gonna flash everyone" thing.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

I washed the floor to my kitchen!!!
If that doesn't costitute a minor miracle, i don't know what will.

Listening to dale. Getting ready for work.

It seems whenever i go out and have a good time, when i get home i just feel...
Well, a good example would be my last post, where i went to a party with people from work, and ended up dragged with some of them to see Troy by this girl from work. I guess i just get pissed off that the nite has to end and i'm back here by myself. It's almost enough to make me think of having roommates again.

Almost. i'm not that foolish.

Monday, May 24, 2004

And really, who fucking gives a fuck, right?

Don't worry, sometime next week i'll write something "wacky" and you'll be like, "that alfred, always doing some drunken thing or another".

Or maybe more like "hey, at least this killed three seconds of my life".

Or in reality "sigh...yeah page".

Whatever. wake up. work. drink. sleep. repeat.

Saturday, May 22, 2004

And i've finally written a good song, after umpteen weeks of crap. And it should fit in very well with the other new songs we have. Lyrics still have to be fleshed out, but that's not that big a deal. I got the chorus, the rest will all fall in place.

It's good to feel, or let myself feel, inspired again.

Friday, May 21, 2004

Hey kids! It's been a while...

Let's see, what have i done this week?
Monday: played D&D (scott's back!!)Character doesn't die. i'm really proud.
I'm such a geek.

tuesday:went to jam spot. door wouldn't unlock. went to hell. think about how i suck.get wasted. petra and crew show up. rock out. get into playfight where rachel actually hits me in the face. dale and i brutilize with times!

Wednesday:went to kyber. saw superfriends with bryce. went to the duck. met beardo along the way. had three beer. showed great restraint. people yelled "calgary!" i yelled "mendosa!!". general silliness prevails.

thursday: work all day in wharehouse. hate my job even more. got tracks from seahorse show. first five songs are great, but my playing degenerates from there.Go see contrived, who put on the best show i've seen in a while. though the bar manager seemed to be dicking them around. got wasted. dance with jacosta. danica continues her trend of fun physical abuse against me.try to convince beardo to stroll through sherly street. convinces me not to.

I really can't afford to live the life i lead. I mean it's fun and all, the whole drinking myself into oblivion. but...
you know, i'm just gonna leave it at that. And hope that the sun comes out for my only day off this week.

Saturday, May 15, 2004

When all hope is gone,
Sad songs say so much...

Things learned last nite:

1.meredith and i should hang out more.
2. When a girl grabs your butt (twice), she's hitting on you. (no kids, nothing happened. Mainly because she was a really drunk, REALLY sketchy blonde. Like beyond sketchy...
yes, i did try to find her later...)
3. Singing elton john never gets old.
4. martini's are waaaay too expensive.
5. one martini, five beer, a couple swigs (is that a real word?) of whiskey, and six (some double) shots of tequila will make you unable to unlock your door. Or remember the cab ride home.
6. noone at hunter st. is up at 4 in the morning. surprisingly.
7. with alot of focus, one can overcome the one martini, five beer, couple shots of whiskey, and six (some double) shots of tequila to finally unlock their door.
8. Unlocking your door is the best feeling in the world!

Friday, May 14, 2004

John Ritter kicked Chevy Chase's ass at pratfalls.

Places and people that, after last nite, now know where the party's at:

1. Outside of the oasis
2. Mcdonald's on spring garden
3. Subway on spring garden
4. Dude walking past citidel hill
5. Girls who had just left the palace.
6. people outside the palace
7. The entrance to the attic
8. The front entrance to the dome
9. The pedway
10. The security guards at the casino
11. People in said casino
12. Cool guy from chicago
13. Angry, bitter guy from fuck knows where

Other interesting facts:

Dale will piss just about anywhere.
When you stuff 11 people into a photo booth, only two will actually be in the picture.
You should never, ever put a twenty into a slot machine. You might as well just give it to a total stranger.
The guy running karioke will indeed let a group of people take over the stage for danceparty craziness.
You can have fun on only two beer.

And happy birthday to jeff coll.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

...and as i made my way home from work, i hear the sound of some rockin' and rollin' from the corner of chebucto and chebucto. Dave ewenson, brent randall and the boys jammiing in their opened garage, getting ready for their gig with mark bragg on saturday. sit and listen for a bit. Mr. Bragg offers me a beer, which is much appreciated. They have a really fun 50's beach movie-type sound. Then i head home and find a check from the government in my mailbox. I never gave the government my new address when i moved so i'm just now getting my gst money. Yes!!!!
Contrived are playing at the thursty duck tonite. Cover's free, but i switched shifts with someone today so i have to be at work at 5 tomorrow morning. But that's ok, because that means my weekend starts at 2 on thursday afternoon due to them giving me friday and saturday off for some reason.

I haven't had a long weekend in...well, a while. i'm not sure i know what i'm gonna do. If you have any ideas, give em!

Sunday, May 09, 2004

Her:Yeah, everyone tells me you're such a nice guy.
Her:yeah, dave, ger, mark black...they all say you're a real nice guy.
Me:That's...that's just great...

I just need to write one more song.
And it's getting really frustrating.

Most of the songs that will end up being on the next spincycle album (whenever that happens) were written a while ago. Some of them two years ago. Mind you, I have written and subsequently dumped more songs between then and now. About, I donno, twenty or so.

But some of them are sticking around in my head.

Some of them are just (I know, we're essentially a pop band that plays pop songs) too poppy. Some of them don't really fit in with the other songs and would probably be better left for later. And the really annoying ones have this fucking autobiographical feel to them. I'll get halfway through writing, and it's like "Fuck, I'm writing about this!". And I'll put the guitar down and not touch it for a couple of days.

I already wrote "Making A Mockery". I have no desire to write another album like that right now. The new songs that we've played are really fun to play. And have nothing to do with me whatsoever. I kinda have the "new cd" worked out in my head. Even written down the order of the tracks.

But I just need to write one more song.
And it's getting really frustrating.

Let me know if the new template looks real stupid, ok?

Friday, May 07, 2004

First thing's first. It's my best friend Ian's birthday. Go show him some love.

Of course the fact that it's his birthday only serves to remind me that my birthday's coming up. I always had the opinion that when i got to this point, that i would have my shit together.

But then there's the obvious questions of "what EXACTLY is my shit?" and "How do i go about getting it together?"

I mean, i'm pretty content to just sit around with my guitar, writing songs. I wouldn't say i'm great at it, so I'm not sure if this qualifies as being "my shit".

And i've been at Canadian Tire (yeah, i know) for a while now. And while I do my job well, i wouldn't say i enjoy it. At all.
So i'm pretty sure it doesn't qualify as "my shit".

Fuck. I'll think on it some other time. It's been a beautiful day out, got my glasses straightened up (and will NOT be taken them out with me tonite), walked around town, bought a comic and sat and read in the commons. A pretty fullfilling day.
Maybe that's "my shit".

Anyway, if you see me being all contemplative-like at the party at hunter st. tonite, slap me upside the head and tell me to have fun!

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

So, what i've heard of the recording from the Seahorse show sounds great! That is to say, the actual sound quality of it is great. There's some sloppiness in parts, but with us that goes without saying. Don't know what we'll do with it. Maybe use it to get more shows. Anyway, it'll be nice to have.

And we should play more. We should really get on that.
But i'm lazy.
I'm lazy about alot of things.