
He's a geek! He's a boy! He's a champ??

Monday, January 30, 2006

Got up early this morning for work. Looked around my place...and proceeded to call in sick and went on a cleaning mission. Now the kitchen/dining/computer/room-that's-not-the-bedroom doesn't look like a garbage dump. I'll spend some time tonite and tomorrow morning on the bedroom before heading to work.. And at some point i'll move on to the bathroom *shudder*.

If anyone's going to the Coast's "best of music" party and doesn't have a ticket, i got one and it's good for two people. So if anyone wants to come along so i don't look stupid using an "admit two" ticket for one person, feel free to let me know.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

So i get home, and there's a message on my machine saying i don't have to go in to work tomorrow. So, i could go back to the party...but it's been a long couple of weeks. So i'm just gonna go to bed (read:stare at the ceiling until hopefully, eventually i fall to sleep) and, yeah, i'll see you guys at the show tomorrow.

Fuck, i'm an idiot.

And where the heck did my big beer go?

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Ever feel like banging your head on your desk repeatedly just because it would feel sooo good when you stopped?

Yeah. Guess i should get ready to pay for jamming time that i'm not gonna use.

Friday, January 27, 2006

How busy will my weekend be?

I'm shortly leaving for D&D gaming. Probubly be up til the wee hours. Tomorrow, juam with spincycle. Shortly after that hang out with ian. Then later in the evening go see geoff berner!(yay!!) Sunday, head to work at 8 til 12 or 1, then sopend the rest of the day cleaning til i have to go grab gear for the show at reflections that evening.

Oh yeah, spincycle at reflections this sunday. Other bands too. check halifaxlocals for more details.

So yeah, pretty busy weekend. Oh amd i think the rooster/seals band will be at reflections on monday for rockin' for dollars. Though i don't think i'll be doing any crazy drinking. I've been doing that for the last, what, three...four weeks now, pretty much non-stop. Or maybe i should just keep it up. I don't know.

Anyway, i should get going.
Hope to see some of you this weekend.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


Hey, that was a brillant entry! And now i'm off to work!

Monday, January 23, 2006


Saturday, January 21, 2006

I know you think that i was helping you deal with stuff today. But actually it was you who gave me a much needed perspective on other stuff going on in my life.

And for that, it is I who should be thanking you.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Hmm...i guess we're a real band now.

Went to work, then quickly left when i started feeling like crap. Not hung over crap. More like blowing your nose constantly, hacking stuff off your throat crap. So i stayed in and played Dragon Warrior!!! My brother gave back my old nintendo when i went over to his place on sunday. Awesome!!

So now i'm gonna go get a frozen pizza, play some more dragon warrior, and head to bed.

See you guys at the potluck!

I can't believe we actually won!
Let's hear it for drunk french punk bands!!!

Monday, January 16, 2006


so, yeah, no scrabble for me this week...


Friday, January 13, 2006

And then David Lipton accidentally knees me in the face.

And really, writing anything more about it will just ruin the moment.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Or we could get dangerous...

Did this a couple of years ago, but i'd say it's due for anther one.

I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less.

Ask me anything you want and I will answer.

Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything.

Everyone else is doing it...

Put repies in the comments.
1. name:
2. birthday:
3. place of residence:
4. what makes you happy:
5. what are you listening to now/have listened to last:
6. do you read my lj:
7. if you do, what is particularly good/bad about it:
8. an interesting fact about you:
9. are you in love/have a crush at the moment:
10. favorite place to be:
11. favorite lyric:
12. best time of the year:
13: what you would do with only 24 hours left to live:

1. a film:
2. a book:
3. a band, a song and an album:

1. one thing you like about me:
2. two things you like about yourself:
3. put this in your lj so i can tell you what i think of you.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Went nine days without drinking. Until last nite.
Damn craig and his multiple free pitchers of beer.

And:the rooster and the seals
We will rock your fucking world!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

I wrote this last nite at around 3 in the morning. Some things have been changed, but the majority of it is in tact. So, here you go:
So, here we are. Another year come and gone. Its kinda wierd to look back at the past year and think "you know, not nearly as fucked as 2004".

2004 was a really fucked up year. Or should i say, really fucked up things happened to me. You know, with the drunk-tankness, faxe-induced delerium, chipped teeth via chin encounter, molestation/attemped robbery by a prostitute and so on and so forth.

2005:not so much.
Well, actually yes, but in a completely different way.

The past couple of days have been spent soberly looking at the past. And for all the changing band members, changing jobs, unemployment, banning from bars (again), brief romantic encounters, personal fuck-upidness, and friendships made and made strained, 2005 has it over all the other years of my life because,for an all too brief time, i was the happiest i've ever been. And it didn't take much, but it took a lot. If that makes any sense.

2006? I donno, i was thinking about doing something really stupid: going back to school. Although the course i was thinking of taking seems financially out of reach. I donno...towards the end of last year i started thinking about bettering my life. Thinking about the future. Which is wierd, because i've spent so much time avoiding it. I just need to come up with a direction, and then to somehow find the courage to follow it.

I've been thinking about volunteering at CKDU. The time spent at the radio station at UCCB was one of the best times of my life. And one of the few things in life that gave me something resembling a sense of purpose. Sure it ruined my academic career, but i don't regret the time spent there. The only thing thats keeping me from volunteering is wondering if this is a step forward or a step backward. But i guess i won't know til i give it a try.

I'm also going to force myself to start reading again. When i was much younger i spent a great deal of time at the public library. But my love of reading slowly died as i became more and more disillusioned with acadamia in general. I have a list of books that i want to get through, it's actually based on readings for the King's foundation year program (I think i still have the rejection letter somewhere...), and is pretty well-rounded. And if anything, it will make me better at scrabble.

And i want to bring a whole new focus to the band. Really work at getting shows and getting the album on the way. I know, this album's been in the works for what seems like forever. But i think i see that proverbial light at the end of the tunnel. Crossing fingers...

As for my personal life...i don't know. The highs and lows of the past year have given me alot to think about. Even though i abandoned some ideas and ideals years ago, happiness still seems obtainable in my eyes. Which is a definite change in attitude from a couple of years ago. But right now...right now i think i will work on righting wrongs that i have made. Nothing major, just baby steps. I have no idea if it will be accepted. Hell, i wouldn't blame them at all if it wasn't. But its meant too much to me not to at least try. If i don't I know i will regret it. And regret is a terrible thing to live with.

Anyway, goodbye 2005!
The good times will always be close to my heart.

Wrote a big post, but it's pretty late and i'm pretty tired. And i want to check it over with a more rested brain before publishing it.

So yeah, goodnite!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

So, my best friend Ian and I finally got fitted for our tuxedos for his big day. It's taken me a while to actually get around to do it, but now that i's like "wow, this is actually going to happen. He's going to get married." I mean, this is the only person from high school that is still a part of my life. Which in a way is pretty amazing, considering the rate at which people go in and out of my life. We've been through a lot of shit together. And even though through the years our paths have veered into different directions, we've always managed to keep the friendship going. I've seen him go through some really hard times, but i've seen him battle out of them. And now he's got a good job, stablility, and a girl who's crazy about him. Who from high school would have thought that I'd be the one with sketchy, directionless life? :)

Truth is, and maybe it sounds stupid, but i'm pretty damn proud of everything he's accomplished. And it's an honor to be a part of the wedding party on his wedding day.

Anyway, going to watch another episode of Buffy (I rented season 7. Yes, i'm addicted), then off to bed.


Sunday, January 01, 2006

Note to self: Two litres of wine is TOO MUCH WINE!!!!

I think i'm gonna take it easy for a while...