
He's a geek! He's a boy! He's a champ??

Friday, November 30, 2007

Well, i was going to head out tonight, but then the brewing took longer than I figured. Not sure if i'm gonna be satisfied with the final outcome. I was working with a recipe involving a canned beer kit, with added malt extract and hops to make a bitter. The thing is, it called for 650g unhopped light liquid malt extract and 650g HOPPED light liquid malt extract. The guy at the store was confused, because all he knew of was the unhopped. He made a call to someone else, who didn't add much insight other than "they could try to order it over from burnside, but it's PROBUBLY just extract with hops thrown into it." And, with that logic, I was convinced to just add more hops to the whole thing when I boil. Hopefully it will turn out OK.

And my place smells like a brewery.

So, yeah, since I work at eight I'm just gonna head to bed. I can go a friday night without seeing some music...even if there are some really fun shows going on...

Alright, must go to sleep before I convince myself not to.


Thursday, November 29, 2007

i think that was the best solo set that i've done ever! It helped that i played the electric guitar this time, and didn't sit down. I mean, most of the people there still weren't into it, but I didn't really care. I just really enjoyed it. It was mostly spincycle stuff, though i did do a Ryan Adams cover. And I was noisy at times, which I was very proud of. It was just...I'm gonna have fun, and fuck everyone else. Though it was good to see brad, dan, and nathan there. And Beardo, though he did came down with me to help with the, yes, three pitchers! And I got some money too, which I'm putting towards making a new batch of beer for the big New Year's bash! Which should be fun, and pretty much involve none of our friends having to pay for booze on New Year's!!!

Anyway, I should get to sleep. Even though I don't have to work til 12.

Let's try to retain some sense of responsibility!


Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Playing alone on stage is pretty terrifying. It's so much easier with a band. They're your safety net. If you fuck up, the guys are there to keep it together. Plus it's more like jamming with your friends and...i don't know, I'm just much more comfortable in a band setting.

So why the hell did I agree to play another solo set? Really...I have no idea.
Anyway, if anyone reading this is looking for something to do tonight I'll be playing at reflections at around 11ish. And I get three pitchers of beer for playing so, yeah, I might need a little help with that...

Friday, November 23, 2007

Oh peculiar, how I love you so!!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

So, my great charge to clean up my place yesterday was pretty much a success. All that's left is a little re-organization in the bedroom, and putting some laundry away. I'm also thinking of shortening the legs on my desk to make it more like a coffee table-type thing. It would lend well to having people over which, yes, i'm actually considering doing. Then people can finally check for the dead bodies. Not alot of people, mind you. Coming over, i mean. Who knows how many dead bodies i have. I've lost count...

My place is still pretty small. But i basically want to use it as an excuse to get some board games happening. I've been craving some tabletop gaming for a while now.

And speaking of gaming this is my new obsession. I actually won my first game! Me!! I usually suck at the tabletop version. Maybe it's that it takes place over days, and I have time to contemplate my moves. Which I do at work. And on my lunch break. And at shows.

I did say I was obsessed, right?

Sunday, November 11, 2007

It's kinda weird, i have the lyrics for the new song...ok, the chorus for the new song, since that's all I have right now, and the lyrics to "rose-colored glasses" going through my head. It's an interesting combination.

Anyway, The show tonite at Gus's was awesome! All the bands were great! It was good to see the Hemingways playing again, and the Riptides put on an awesome live show.

Did I use the word awesome too many times? ...OK, only twice.

So, yeah, think I'm gonna forgo another beer and just hit the hay!

Oh yeah, chorus:

"We have to leave tonight!
We have to leave tonight!"

What it's about...don't even know. Be interesting to see how it turns out.

And again, goodnight!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Things I learned tonight:

1. Woodhands are fucking amazing. They totally made the night.

2. Other bands on the bill...meh...

3. Never thought I'd see you again...Left me very...frustrated...


Thursday, November 08, 2007

Happy Day Off Day!!!

Man, after working eight days in a row, ending with a full day shift, I am so happy to have a day off!! Mind you, I'm probubly gonna spend most of it doing laundry and house cleaning, but still NO WORK!!! YAY!!!

And I have saturday and sunday off too!!! So, yeah, I'll spend most of today cleaning and stuff so that I won't have to do anything on the weekend. Making it the best weekend ever!!!

Yep, in slight need of a recharge.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Generators. Are. Heavy.

It's good to have a recording program again. Hopefully this will get me back to being productive in songwriting again. I think the one i wrote tonite was pretty good. We'll see what I think in the morning.

This is seriously the worst excuse for a storm ever!! I stayed in 'cause I didn't want my 90lb weakling self carried away to Oz. But hey, maybe it'll be just like Juan and I'll walk to work and the city will be in total chaos!

And, more importantly, Canadian Tire will be closed.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Wow! Just woke up from crashing! I was pretty damn tired, so I guess that's pretty much expected. Especially since I stayed up all night tuesday watching heroes/making a costume and didn't get to bed yesterday til...I think it was 2:40? And then went to work for 8. I may have been dressed up as a zombie yesterday, but today I really was one!

Wish I could have stayed for Bloodbath, but it took waaay too long, and I guess some sense of responsibility kicked in. That, and had no more money left for beer. Good ol' broke-dom, making me look at my watch more than I would otherwise!

E-mailed the Rock Garden about booking some jam time on Sunday. I'm pretty excited about getting this band going. It seems that the three of us are on the same page as far as what direction we want to go in. The idea if writing, and then deconstructing songs to see what new facets could be brought to light has fascinated me ever since listening to Yankee Hotel Foxtrot. But first I want to get down simple, catchy, basic songs. But ones with a good lyrical narrative too. That we're really not limiting ourselves to one genre will keep things pretty open-ended. Give us so much territory to explore.

Can you tell i'm excited yet?