
He's a geek! He's a boy! He's a champ??

Monday, November 29, 2004

So spincycle is throwing themselves into the ring for the battle of the bands in hell on tuesday.

But wait a sec...isn't sean out in ontario with the burdocks recording their new album?

Yep. So we've TARGETed a MONKEY to take his place for a night. It should be more than interesting. Anyway, i got laundry and stuff to do.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

You know, i'm pretty sure i could hit the snooze button forever if i didn't actually have to be somewhere.

What can i say? It's a gift.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Spent most of saturday recovering from friday.The bottle of wine at rachael's was a good idea. The however many bottles of beer i had at the zeke show was not. And again i owe a big thanks to crys and KC for getting my drunken ass home(remember getting in the cab, then standing in front of my door. scary).

And yes, i did break my glasses again. Made the trek down to shorney's only to find no optician on staff, so i'll have to go down again today. Spent the rest of the weekend watching batman and justice league cartoons that i rented at roger's and playing D&D with some friends on sunday. Gotta keep my geek points up, or else they take away my title.

And we might be doing the hell thing on tuesday. Maybe.

Friday, November 19, 2004

And as my laundry goes around and around, i write.

I'll be the first to admit, walking to reflections with my amp was not the brightest idea. But i thought it would save room if other stuff was to be cabbed later. Today i was smart:i took the bus.

There was abit of confusion with the drums, which resulted in a franken-drum set comprised of both brad's and sean's sets. Neat. What was also neat: as me and sean passed by the attic/dome, two street kids asked us for change to get into the epworth show. Sean asked them their names, and promptly ran up to the attic and put them on the guestlist. Unfortunately ryan, the manager, was not in so my "status" couldn't be dealt with. Sean says he's gonna see about it. Hope so. with the marquee closing there will probubly be more shows that i'll want to see at the attic.

Anyway, we split up. Him to get drum stuff, me to get food. An omlett in my stomach and back to reflections. Where there was a kfc buffet. I think it had something to do with the coast "best of" party. The drums ar alright. Everything's set up. Head to the khyber to lend my support to "the moth". Just because i'm playing at one show doesn't mean i can't go to another.

Head back to reflections.And an odd thing happened. I started to feel nervous. So i buy a beer and head to the "band room" and played wilco covers to get my mind off of it.

I've been listening to waaay too much wilco.

The KNA played a short but great set and i've talked about how i like them before so that was no surprise.Tune and set up shit. I notice that i've been successfully nursing one beer since i got there. Which was the plan, didn't want a repeat of the mockery that was our last set. Except for a few technical gliches i think we did ok. The new song "death in the city" came off really well. And i could hear my vocals so i attempted to actually sing, as opposed to yelling like i usually do. Not sure how successful i was at that.And then we suddenly started playing "forward march" instead of what i said we'd be playing. But we're sketchy, so we're allowed.

So,yeah, we played and afterwards i felt really drained, mentally and physically. Which made me a bit antisocial, which some people took as me not being happy with the set. Which wasn't the case at all. Sometimes playing takes alot out of me, and this was one of these times. But after a few beer...and then a few more beer...and than a few more beer i was fine. We were all just hanging in the smoking room, then someone pointed out that sean was dancing like a madman on the dancefloor.

And that's when everyone was struck with dancing fever. Stages were stormed, shoes were broken, rugs were cut.

Enough of this. I was planning on shopping for some footwear of some sort, since the slushiness made it very apparant that my sneaks don't cut it anymore.
So off i go. And after that? May go to rachael's. May go to zeke. may just stay home.

And ian should give me a call when he's not working/in cape breton.


Wednesday, November 17, 2004

So Spincycle is playing tomorrow at reflections with our friends the KNA. Not really expecting a huge turnout, as there's a couple of other shows going on. But we got a new song that i can't wait to play, so that will be fun. And i'm gonna try to be not quite as loaded as when we played the last time.

But really, we were celebrating birthdays.

Anyway, it's free, beer's cheap, and afterwards we can drunkenly dance to the hits of the 80's.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

We're going to jam today.
Really. It's going to happen.
I can feel it.


Shut up.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

The Wrens' bassplayer was nuts and completely made the show for me. The Arcade Fire were perhaps the best band i've seen all year. And The Organ were the most passionless band that i've ever seen. If it wasn't for the Peter Parkers playing downstairs, i'm pretty sure i would have fallen asleep.

And the bouncers at the attic still suck.

However, all and all, a great weekend. It was great to have james and val around, as well as one still jet-lagged Ian Daye. Hopefully next year i'll remember to actually save some money for it.

Spincycle is gonna be playing at reflections with the KNA on the 18th. C'mon guys, let's get a jam in and play some new stuff!!! to address this, if at's better to have someone be sarcastically bitchy towards you than to not talk to you at all. It's even kinda...endearing?, that's not it...enjoyable?...nope, that's not it at all...

Better than something that sucks.
Yes. That's it exactly.

Leaving for work with a smile,

Saturday, November 06, 2004

The Arcade fire were fucking amazing!!!!

Now i go to bed.
And if anyone is coincidentally up at 6:30 in the morning, give me a wakeup call. 429-3846.

Friday, November 05, 2004

Well, i'm pretty glad i went to the marquee last nite. Counting me, there was TWO people up front for a/v's set, with a handful of people sitting waaaay in the back.So at least i was able to give my support to a worthy cause.

Tonite was, again, a hard decision to make. I spent most of the day looking up band's web sites and listening to sound clips. And, in the end, decided to shell out the money for the marquee show (walked down to get my ticket a little while ago). I wish i could be there for the Hold, but it's basically the same situation as with Oh God last nite. Being interested in only one band on the bill.

I propose that Oh God and the Hold play a show together in the very near future. Sorry guys.

And i'll be missing the sour keys and black rice playing at two other venues. sigh.

Too many shows in one nite when alfred is poor makes alfred something something...

Thursday, November 04, 2004


That's the problem with having more than one show going on. You can't be at them all. Well, you can try, but unfortunately i don't have the money to do that. So...i'm gonna have to miss Oh God tonite. Thing is, the other bands playing with them i'm not really into that much. So i'd essentually be spending $10 to see one band. That's assuming i even get in.*

Not that their not worth it but...fuck i'm so poor.

So, the itinerary:
9:30 head to marquee
9:45 watch montgomery moth (if they start on time)
10:15 go watch phil upstairs (A/V...spinoza...whichever. it's all good)
10:30ish head to Khyber
whenever i get there, watch "devine guests" and SLK.
(i feel bad for missing them on friday so this is what i'll do)
12:00 head back to marquee to see controller.controller

Total money spent:$9

Hopefully oh god will play again soon.
Anyway, time to shower.


*i think i've already documented my "situation" with the dome. stupid bouncers.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Ian comes home today, i think.

Give me a call when you get in so we can figure out what shows we're going to for the pop ex.

Actually, i work til 10, so call after then.
I managed to not spend money for the last three days.
The key? Just stay indoors and read comic books.
I mean really, who needs a social life and stuff when you got the JLA to keep you company?

Fuck i need a life.