
He's a geek! He's a boy! He's a champ??

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I've put a new song up, finally! Yay!!!

So yeah, wilco in Portland. It was great! I mean, I've said before how Tweedy's lyrics seem to articulate who I am and how I feel better than anyone else. But hearing it live just brought it straight home. One of the best moments of the night was when Jeff backed away from the mic during "Jesus, etc." and all you could hear was the whole theatre singing "our love...our love...our love is all we have" It was like food for my soul. The whole concert was very spiritual in a way for me, which probubly sounds pretty stupid but it's true.

Actually the last couple of weeks have been kinda spiritual in a way. Not in a "religious, god-loving" sense, but more of a rejuvenation of spirit. Of looking into your inner self, cutting away the crap, and seeing what lies beneath. Of looking at who you've been, who you are, and who you're going to be. Which, for me, has been pretty much overdue. And i'm not sure if anything resembling progress is being made, but things seem to be feeling right. Which is better than a couple of weeks ago when I woke up at like five in the morning with the overwhelming feeling that everything was wrong.

it's like at the end of the concert when Jeff said (paraphrasing): "It doesn't matter what shit is going on or how fucked up things get, you just have to believe that we can make it better..."

It was almost like he was talking to me.
This all sounds really lame, doesn't it?

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Napoleon Finger!!!*

*You know, it's probably best that you don't ask...

Friday, April 21, 2006

Just got home. It was amazing. Just...I'll get into it tomorrow, right now I'm gonna have some cold medicine (yep, still got it) and head to bed.

Good nite!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Happy Wilco Day!!!

Well, I'm off to see my favorite band in the world!! See you all when I get back.
Love ya!


Monday, April 17, 2006

So, it would seem the reason i was so fucked up yeaterday was that not only was I hung over, but i was developing that cold that it seems everyone I know has. Well thanks alot people, now I have it too!

So yeah, no new song today either. Just got up from a much needed nap. Le Coque are playing the Rockin' For Dollars tonite for the big money, so it was more the case of making sure I was good for that. I might just put two songs up on Sunday or something.

And on wednesday I head off to see Wilco!! I'm so excited!!! Been a while since i've been on a road trip! I'm gonna pump myself full of so much cold meds so that I'm in good shape for then.

Let the battle againbst the cold begin!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Why is it when I fall off the wagon, the wagon happens to be going past a cliff which i proceed to fall down, hitting every jagged rock along the way?

Because that's what my head feels like.

So, yeah, no new song today. Busy being hung over.

Oww my head.
Lindsay, call me for breakfast!

Monday, April 10, 2006

An Apology.

And now, to go and try to win $1000!!

Sorry kids. No new song today. Everything i've written has been really cheesy. I'll try to get something good recorded tomorrow. If not...I guess I'll just have to put put up one of the cheesy songs.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Alright, so i'm gonna go to Hell's Kitchen tonite. And hopefully, later on int the nite i'll be able to sneak upstairs to see the Constantines!!!

Because I really can't afford $20 for one show.

Wish me luck!

Wow! Laura was really good tonite. She's writes some of the most beautiful pop music going.

Makes me want to be a better songwriter.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Only I can break my glasses by sneezing!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Well, we didn't win the money last nite, but I think we played pretty well. I'm really enjoying Le Coque et les Phoque.It's fun and there's less pressure than with spincycle. I mean, i love spincycle too, but in different ways. It's hard to explain.

About as hard to explain why i'm in a good mood right now. But hey, why waste time thinking about it.

Spincycle jam tomorrow!! And we should do a Coque jam sometime this week too!
Both bands are playing on Saturday. I'm really looking forward to it.

Monday, April 03, 2006


The post below this idea what that's about.
The one after that...a bit dramatic. But the people in the know, well they know what its about.

Anyway, good times yesterday. The feast of Beardo was a success. Much wine was drank (for some of us, maybe a bit too much) and everyone had a great time. Wish i stayed longer, but I just felt the wine hitting me and decided it was time to bust before i did anything foolish.

The mystery of who ate the rice may never be solved.

All hail Beardo!!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

God, it would be so nice...

I'm glad i got ot talk to you people while i wanted to. I count on you. You got to help me. It's important. It' s so fucking inportant to me.

Please, don't let me down. I count on you. Please don't let me down.

It's been a long time since i've watched Sloan play and thought "Wow, looks like they're having fun!" And they were, and so was the crowd! Fucking awesome!

In other news, after paying both home and jamspot rent, I will have 10 dollars to my name. Which means the only shows I'll be going to are ones I'm playing at. Or those I'm on a guest list for.

Put me on your guest list!!

P.S. For the feast of beardo I will be making rice with melted cheese. If I get my pot back.
Lindsay, i need my pot back!