Hmm...I really should do some sort of "state of the geek" address on this thing. I wrote something last night but it was just...well, it was to drunken, let's just put it that way. So, let's see...what's gone on since last year?
Actually, not a hell of alot. And it's been kinda nice in that reguard. Work's been alright, though september was kinda hectic. Working two twelve hour shifts and then a split shift in a row is pretty much the definition of "not fun". But hopefully my manager will hire another part-timer and ease my workload a bit.
Music-wise, there have been some interesting turns and developments. Spincycle is still on hiatus, though there's talk of finishing up the rest of the tracks that we did with charles. Les Cocque may just resserect itself for a show next week, we'll see. The Impromptu Punk Band that I have with Brendan and Chris Deon actually played a show last week. We played last and, as you can imagine, was quite a drunken exhabition. We played pretty well, though. Might turn into an actual band, who knows. I'm most excited about the project that me, Beardo, and Martin are starting. I think there's potential for, at the very least, alot of fun!
As for my personal life, well, this year was all about me not having one. Or at least not as far as women and romance and blah blah blah blah is concerned. Which was completely intentional, surprisingly easy, and precisely what I needed to do. There's still alot of stuff I have to sort out in my head and other vital organs. Contemplate my existance. That sort of stuff. But for now...I think things are going in the right direction.
So, yeah, I guess that's it.