Not a bad nite. the last ten seconds of the KNA at the khyber (thanks for the guestlisting. If my funds weren't so low i'd gladly have paid). They went on way too early and,for some reason, could only play four songs. Wierd. Then watched Kid Baron. Yeah...that's pretty much all i can say about them. Oh, except they did the most inept and needless drum solo in a song ever. But it was getting close to twelve so i head to the trebeca. Knives weren't on, but there was this guy who was doin' some pretty good rap type stuff*.
Well, i liked it anyway.
Got some air outside, which was good 'cause next up was Sharp like Knives (dance band). It was kinda crowded, but some dancing was had. Or at the very least, some bopping. Pass Alison my glasses to put on table so they don't go flying. Try very hard not to do "the white man's overbite".
Fun times!
Grab my jacket. Say "bye" to various peoples.
Yeah, I know it was still early, but, well i'm not a good conversationalist at the best of times. Especially sober. Sometimes i think i should bring cue cards with various topics on them for when i have nothing to say.
That would be really wierd wouldn't it?
Me? Wierd???
Anyway, instead of attempting some stilted conversations i opted to leave. Think i might've figured the structure of the new song out on the walk home. maybe. Cops stop in the wagon to question two guys who look like they were about to go at it as i walk by citidel hill. I laugh as i walk.
Don't think they appreciated that.
Appropriate calls to the appropriate people will be made tomorrow. Let's see what we can get done spincycle-wise!
*Replace this sentence with some "hip" phrase that "the kids" use.I'm not even gonna try.