
He's a geek! He's a boy! He's a champ??

Friday, April 09, 2004

so, for those of you who are curious, Laurie is not the proud owner of a geekboychamp t-shirt. Which is good, cause now i don't have to design one.
It was well thought out, though. But it does prove that you can only get so much about a person from their blog.
The burdocks/this m.s.g./special noise show at st. pat's was killer! It was great to see so many kids, and a few "old folks", out for an all-ages show.

On a related note, talked to condon mcleod the other day. They put in a proposal for the pavilion. But the number of fees and conditions (rent, heat, lights, property taxes (???), 30% of revenue,...) that the city has put onto this makes it vurtually impossible to happen. It's pretty damn clear that the city doesn't give a fuck about the all-ages scene, or youth in general.

It makes me fucking sick.


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