
He's a geek! He's a boy! He's a champ??

Friday, February 20, 2004

So, i was debating going to this party at bloomfield house. The thing was, i didn't feel comfortable with it. Sure, there had been public invites on various blogs and boards about it. Still, without a personal invite it feels like i would be...intruding?? Or someone would be thinking."why the hell is he here?". Probably just traces of left over anxiety from being a nerd that no-one really bothered with in high school.
So yeah, i was debating it over and over in my head.
But then this came up...

"(Friday, Feb.20/2004--- 19:00p.m.)---
HRM's Emergency Measure Organization is announcing that a curfew will be in effect from 11:00pm tonight (Friday February 20th) to 7:00am (Saturday February 21st). This curfew applies to all areas of HRM. All vehicles and pedestrians are required to be off the streets by 11pm (23:00) tonight with the exception of essential services. Essential services include medical personnel, emergency personnel, NS Power crews, and Provincial & HRM snow clearing staff and contractors.
The curfew is required to provide unrestricted access to roads and streets for snow clearing and emergency access. The cooperation of all HRM residents is greatly appreciated. "

So yeah, i think i'll just stay home and play nintendo....


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