
He's a geek! He's a boy! He's a champ??

Saturday, October 07, 2006

On one hand, it's gonna be great having the long weekend to myself. It's not too often that I actually get that much time to myself. On the other hand, it will be odd not to spend thanksgiving at home. And not just because I'll be missing's always been a time that I've always made it home to spend some time with my parents. I will miss that. A lot.

But, thanks to the small miracle called the gst check, I think I'm gonna go and buy a chicken and some other fixings and have a thanksgiving on my own. I knew there would come a time when, for one reason or another, I wouldn't make it home for an occasion.

But I will make it home for Christmas. That's for darned sure!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Alfred,

We missed you at the festival. I hope Spincycle somes to Sydney sometime soon. Like, before Fahey heads out west.


5:08 PM  

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