
He's a geek! He's a boy! He's a champ??

Sunday, December 11, 2005

What a fun but fucked up nite. Dancing like crazy, crazy dancing Beardo, sketchy guy that i almost got in a fight with (thanks philip and beardo for the back-up). And breakfast at the ardmore at 5 in the morning. Perfect!

And when i got to work...well, i was there for all of ten minutes. My mind just couldn't deal with it. I haven't had a decent nite's sleep in a while, and exhaustion is reaching critical mass. It all feels wierd, my brain wich is usually very focused is running all over the place. And it's been affecting everything i do.

I can't wait for christmas to be over!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Alf, I dunno if Chris told ya but I land in the Hali on Tuesday. So anything goin' on in the humble mainland berg? Can you line up extravagantly hot women and extremely hot indie rock for me?

9:33 PM  
Blogger alfred said...

The indie rock i can do, the women...well, they'll probubly be in the same bar. Does that count as "lining up"?


12:45 AM  

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