
He's a geek! He's a boy! He's a champ??

Monday, June 27, 2005

So, on thursday nite, i see a listing on the hrdc site for a call centre. It's inbound, doing support for hewett-packard. Haven't really applied to anywhere else 'cause, well, i've been working. But you apply online so, yeah, what the heck. It's inbound so it won't be that bad. I apply. They call me friday morning. That was quick, i think to myself. Do a telephone interview. Goes well. She has me come in for a one-on-one interview at 11:30 on monday. I arrive. They have me do some tests. I'm a bit sketchy on the typing test (i'm not a great typer,as anyone who talks to me over messenger would attest to) but the aptitude and computer knowledge ones I fly through. Have the interview, which went as well as it could, given i'm not very good at them. Go home. Make some food. Have a nap. Call comes at four. Got the job. Training starts on monday. Goes from monday to friday, 8 til 4, starting at $9/hour.

And I have a week before then to just relax.
That was really fucking easy.

I just know at some point an airplane is gonna fall on my head or something.


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