
He's a geek! He's a boy! He's a champ??

Sunday, June 06, 2004

Jamming on friday was great! I was finally able to bring "death in the city" in, and it came off just amazing. It's one of the new songs i wrote months before the current state of creative suckatude i find myself in. Can't wait to play it live.

Oh, before jamming i was at hunter st. waiting for Dale to make his appearance. It is here that ainsley introduced me to "passions". If i had cable, i'd be watching this all the time. Whiches and ghosts and's like a b-movie. It's brillant! But you want to hear about the chipped tooth, so i move on.

Ok, so i'm at the john st. party. And somehow someone started this "game" called chesties. Basically, you have one person on either side of the room/hallway. They run at each other at full speed and bang their chests together.
Yes, i was very drunk.

So i'm walking to the living room and get caught up in this. And i'm not entirely sure who suggested we take our shirts off, but me and dale complied. Now for something like this one person's head tilts one way and the other tilts the opposite. Well, there was some miscommunication and "klunk". My tooth and nose meets dale's rock hard chin. Now at this point my nose is bleeding. But me bleeding at parties has become such a regular occurance that i wipe the blood away and we actually continue for a while. It's afterwards when i survey the damage that i notice the crack in my front tooth. And then the chip fell out.

Bleeding nose? Check!
Chipped tooth? Check!
Alfred making a specticle of himself? Check!
time to head home.
Saturday i got off work at noon. Sean and I head to propeller. By quarter after one we start drinking. And what better drinking music than the burdocks. Watching them jam was fun and nancy's still one of the best guitarists in the city.

By the way, did you know that noone in spincycle or the 'docks actually wears a watch?

So we get a cab from Sean's place and to our good fortune we get a van. But the cabbie's like "i'm charging you extra 'cause you'd never get all this in a regular cab" and we're like "we do this all the time. fuck off". We then proceed to use as many curse words in our conversation in the cab as possible.

So we have a bit of a buzz on when we play. And i'd dare say it was our best sounding set in a while. I could hear my vocals so i stayed relatively on key. And it was a beautiful day and i was in such a good mood that i just had to charge into marty at the end of our set. And then i felt a sean jump on top of me. And then i grabbed dale and pulled him into the melee. And it was perfect. Thanks to the tumbleweed organizers for asking us to play.

This is getting long and i feel like renting "back to the Future" so i'll finish this up tomorrow.
To be continued...


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