
He's a geek! He's a boy! He's a champ??

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Alright, here we go:

1. Let's get gloriously self-destructive! And why the hell not? I've taken to this drinking thing pretty well since I started. And any attempt to stop has never worked. So when i can afford to I should. The more I try not to, the more I go back to it. If this is my natural stat of being, than I will embrace it whole-heartedly. Along with...

2. I'm a loner. And really I've known that all my life. Don't believe me? Let's go back through the archives for this little ditty. A little bit dramatic for the time, but still hits the nail right on the head. And while there are people and friendships that I cherish, I'm essentially on my own. Anything else just doesn't work for some reason, so why bother. It's just a waste of time. And it's not like I won't be around people alot because...

3. I'm starting an inhuman amount of bands! And why the hell not? I have all these ideas for songs in my head, why not do something with them? (and yes, there will be new spincycle songs too. had a few ideas yesterday in fact.) First up is getting Brutilize The Dancefloor off the ground. So if you're involved in that, get in touch.

As a bit of an aside, I had a drunken discussion (the only type i have now) about how i'd be happy to be in band that didn't perform live. Not to say that I'm planning to do this with a band, but for me it's the creation of songs that's the thing, and playing them live is secondary.

4. I'm going back to school! And why the hell not? Gonna go part-time in january. And I can't wait. English lit here I come! Now I know some of you are thinking, "why not just take something more practical at community college". Well for me the choice is simple. I could read and learn about about the greatest written works of our time, or I could learn to spot-weld. Not much of a choice, really. Already getting mysepf primed, making my way through essential greek epics and working my way up. And after I've done that...

5. "I'm leaving on a jet plane..." And why the hell not? I'm going to travel by way of teaching english. I've always wanted to do some traveling, and i've been told there's good money in teaching english, so this seems like a no-brainer. I'll save up a ton of money and then....

6. I'm not sure... This is what I haven't figured out yet. I could go into teaching, but i'm not sure if i'm cut out for that. Though i'm leaning towards starting a comic book shop somewhere, Or maybe a comic book/bookstore and attempt to bridge the gap between the two markets. This, to me, sounds more fullfilling.

So, there you go.


Blogger sonician said...

Come talk to me about teaching English.. I'll give you al lthe gory details..

9:22 PM  
Blogger sonician said...

Oh and #6.. if you want a partner.. let me know :)

1:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy shit, Alf! Most dramatic post, ever. Good show, I give your six point essay an A!


10:49 PM  

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