
He's a geek! He's a boy! He's a champ??

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Home for lunch, now back to work til 10. Then come home, maybe watch a movie and go to bed.

Yep,what an exciting valentines day.
Whatever. It's all shit anyway.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Alf,

First of all, I actually turned down two parties this weekend that I thought I was "kidding myself" that I wouldn't go to. I'm amazed at my willpower! :-p

Second, read my anti-Valentine's Day rant.....

Third, why do people complain when my pieces are longer than 2,000 words?

There, some shared crankiness :-p


6:06 PM  
Blogger chris said...

Hey Alf, at least you probably saw a girl or two. I sat at home playing THUG on my GC, did some work on the laptop and drank tea all day/night. My friend Richie came over and we sat around and played cards with my brother and my mother.

So, yeah... I'm not bitching really, but I do agree that it's shit.

ps - wish L well on her operation for me (if you wanna.)

12:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HA! Valentines Day is shit. I hate it. I hate the fact that it can make me feel inadequate. Not that I'm suggesting you (should) feel that way. It's just how I feel...


3:58 PM  

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